T he hospitality of Omani people is undeniable. The legacy of a desert dwelling culture, when many times survival could well depend on a friendly welcome. The tradition of a warm welcome hasn’t change and visitors to an Omani home, place or business ALWAYS will be offered Qahwa (coffee) and dates. Normally Omani coffee is served using freshly roasted coffee beans with cardamom. But I was also offered different versions using saffron, cloves and rose water. Coffee is served in small cups and the maximum you should accept is 3 cups. After being serve 1 Cup, if you want more you just need to pass the cup to your host and he will serve you more, you don’t need to ask. If you don’t want more, just shake your cup. Immediately your host understands that you have had enough. This habit of shaking the cup remotes to the time when the Iman had to receive in he’s home, people that shared their problems and needed advice. The Iman was busy listening problems and had no time to serv...
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