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Showing posts from January, 2017

Healty cruchy popcorns - poped with water!

I love popcorns! But is not the sort of thing you can eat every day. I decided to do this light version and now, when I am craving for some crunchy, crispy bite, I eat these popcorns. I also enjoy having a little portion with my coffee. And is so easy!!  Juts use 50g of corn, for popcorn, and add it to a glass bowl that can be used in the microwave. Add salt and chilli to taste. Add 4 table spoons of water and stir well. Cover with cling film and pierce. Put 4 minutes in the microwave full power. You won’t listen any pop until about 3.30 minutes, but don’t worry, they will pop! Enjoy!

Endless sea by Amir Klink

B eautiful, simple, inspiring… Another book thank I absolutely love. "So much Sea, rather than separate us, brought us together. In 141 days of absence, from start to finish, the Paratii made his trip and returned to Jurumirim. The Earth is really round. Along the way, I came to think that neither wind nor waves, or ice were too bad because, in the end, nothing prevented my boat to return in one piece to his´s Bay. And nothing was better than going to find out. Upon arrival, embracing the three, I realized the sea of our House has no end.   Worse than being cold up and down with in the South Indian Ocean waves, would have been not gotten this far. Or never have let the warm and comfortable waters of Paraty. Even if it was just to find out how much they were warm and comfortable. I felt a strange welfare  working around ice so far from home. Today I understand my father. A man needs to travel. By his means, not by stor...

Amir Klink, Mar sem fim.

B elo, simples comovente... "Tanto mar, em vez do nos separar, nos uniu. Em 141 dias de ausência, do início ao fim, o Paratii fez a sua volta e retornou a Jurumirim. A Terra é mesmo redonda. Ao longo do caminho, pensando bem, nem vento, nem ondas, nem gelo tão ruins porque no fim nada impediu o meu veleiro de voltar inteiro à sua baía. E nada foi melhor do que voltar pra descobrir, abraçando as três, que o mar da nossa casa não tem mesmo fim. Pior do que passar frio subindo e descendo ondas ao sul do oceano Índico seria não ter chegado até aqui. Ou nunca ter deixado as águas quentes e confortáveis de Paraty. Mesmo que fosse apenas para descobrir o quanto elas eram quentes e confortáveis. Eu senti um estranho bem-estar ao contornar gelos tão longe de casa. Hoje entendo bem meu pai. Um homem precisa viajar. Por sua conta, não por meio de histórias, imagens, livros ou tv. Precisa viajar por si, com seus olhos e pés, para entender o que é seu. Para um dia plantar as ...

Baby is cold outside

This is the first day that I’m actually feeling cold. Time to a special hot chocolate! Just preparing it is satisfying! Such a pleasure to see the chocolate melting in the hot milk. Little pleasures for cold days.